How to Get Unlimited Contestant Heads on Fear and Hunger: Termina

By Joshua Waddles

30 July 2023

Oh, Pocketcat. You and your black market goody back. But can’t you just accept money? I mean, come on. It’s silver but you only want heads? Not just any heads either, it has to be the heads of our fellow contestants, of which there are only 14.

Well, at least that’s better than what you wanted in the first Fear and Hunger Game.

But there’s actually a way to get around that 14-heads limit by way of a glitch. Funger has a bit of a history of infinite item glitches. To this day you can still get infinite lucky coins in the original Fear and Hunger and Termina also has a hidden spot in the woods where you an find infinite bear traps. But in order to get infinite constant heads, well… you’re going to have to do something that’ll break your little heart. You have to kill Samarie. And you have to do it while playing as Marina. Is there anything in the world more sad than that? The only thing that even comes close is this picture of a crying kitten. See below.

There is only one specific encounter in which you can get these infinite contestant heads. When playing as Marina, if you go to sleep in the bed in The Mayor’s Mansion, you’ll wake up to find Funger’s favorite stalker staring at you and breathing creepy. If you try to talk to her, she’ll freak out and run away. But you also have the option of attacking her here, which is what you’ll have to do to get infinite heads.

It’s a rather easy battle as Marina, especially if you keep talking to her. This is especially evil, making the poor stalker think you’re going to reason with her just to get her to let her guard down. But it is a grimdark game, isn’t it?


After you k-k- *Sniff* I can’t say it! After you unalive our wonderful Samarie, you get The Radiating Soul and the option to take her head. If you have a bone saw. Now, to say that you get infinite heads from this glitch is a bit of a misnomer. You can only have a max of 99 items and also bone saws sometimes break. But if you have more than one bone saw, you’re certain to at least get enough to buy everything Pocketcat has to sell.

But can they buy back your soul?

Rest in power, Samarie 😭😭

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