Real1 (Enzo Amore) Gives His Side of the Story on MLW “Release”

By Joshua Waddles

1 April 2023

Real1, who wrestled in the WWE under the name Enzo Amore, responded to reports he was “released” from Major League Wrestling.

Articles reporting on the release of Real1 accused the wrestler of refusing to “put over” some of the league’s top talent and declining to go along with the storylines devised by the league’s creative team. But Real1 gave a very different story on two videos he posted to Twitter on Saturday.

Rather than refusing to put other wrestlers over, Real1 accused MLW of trying to get him to bury a wrestler who’d just beaten cancer. He stressed that he was never under contract with MLW and the league started advertising him for a title match which he had never agreed to. Real1 said he told the league that he did not want to wrestle for the title belt.

He also stressed that he never signed a deal with MLW, arguing that it was bogus to say he was “released” from a company he was never a part of. He indicated that the owner might have done this in order to generate publicity because of Real1’s name recognition. He also tweeted “I can just take ya to court,” but he clarified later that this was a pun, since the owner’s first name is “Court,” and he had no intention of taking actual legal action.

Real1 did not seem bitter about his work with MLW and said he had nothing but good things to say about the league, he just wanted to get ahead of the rumors circulating.

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