Someone Wants To Sell a Steam Game for $2 MILLION

By Joshua Waddles

19 March 2023

The game is called “Bloodied Fear” and in all fairness to the publishers, it does look pretty fun. It’s a retro, side-scrolling beat-em-up game in the spirit of “Double Dragon” and “Streets of Rage.” Reviews are mostly positive.

One early access reviewer who spent 17 hours on the game said “Bloodied Fear” includes space combat and allows players to capture enemy structures, mine asteroids and invade planets. The reviewer did say the game is a bit rough around the edges, but expressed admiration that a single developer was able to create a game which accomplished more than “Star Citizen.”

Unfortunately, the game is not currently part of the Easter Sale. But if you happen to have $2 million burning a hole in your pocket, “Bloodied Fear” just might be the game for you!

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      1. Working on it now. Is there a way for people to contact Valve about this? (Assuming you want them to, that could be rather risky.) Also, I couldn’t find Valve’s terms of use for developers. Is there anything in it specifically about a price tag? It honestly seems unfair. It’s not like you were tricking someone into paying $2 million.


      2. I have contacted Valve via their Steam support page. I recently contacted them again but no reply yet. I cannot find any documentation relating to bans due to price increases. I suppose they are afraid of money laundering but they have my sales numbers, which are nowhere near the millions lol


  1. That’s fine. Your article will hopefully help others to avoid the same thing. By the way, can you delete the comment with my full name? Auto-fill accidentally put my full name lol


  2. Hi buddy. Thanks for the article on Bloodied Fear. My game has been banned on Steam due to the $2 million price tag. I have since apologised to Valve and hopefully they will relist again.


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